we could say that we create Bright & Round lingerie from the finest Italian materials and findings... by the masters of their craft... mostly by hand... laboriously... with love :) And we really do! But there is something much more important!
You have a f*cking bright life coming, which will be filled with both good and the best. There are no rules, are there? Boring people and things? But there is groovy music? Wild dances? Cruising for a bruising? Are there spontaneous decisions, which make great stories? Is there party mood?
If so, and if happiness cannot exist without you on this planet - that's your game, baby! If you are that girl, just listen how your new lingerie gently whispers in your ear follow your heart bitch... and take me to the party ;)
B&R makes cheeky shapes and slim waist
I love this bright unique prints
I love this high quality and cheeky shapes
I have not had such elegant lingerie ever!
Very bright and the one that really rounds!